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"Stevie" (Seafoam Variant)

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See also the pumpkin color variant of "Stevie"!

Alternate color variants are common in fine art prints, especially digital art, and I often joke that variants are a wonderful thing for the indecisive artist. But it's not so much indecision as genuinely liking more than one look for a piece. And I always feel it is helpful to give the people options, as tastes differ, and one person's favorite color or color scheme might not work for others. I'm a big fan of the bluish/greenish "seafoam" area of the spectrum; these tones remind me of colors prevalent in the 1950s, especially in cars, which were the coolest ever, in my opinion. I used about 14 shades of seafoam to constitute the ellipses in the background. I then used the dark midnight blue for Stevie, which radiates into a sort of purple toward the lighter ends, making a very interesting almost underwater-like alternative to the original "pumpkin" variant of "Stevie." The difference was stark enough to warrant its own variant, which I think will look beautiful on a wall in the right decor situation.


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Artwork © John Lathrop/Plaid Design. Characters/subject matter of source material © original owner(s)/creator(s). Not officially affiliated/licensed, but 100% protected under fair use and/or parody laws due to being original artwork of a transformative nature.