I'm John Lathrop, human earthling, pop artist, and aspiring rodeo clown (that's me above, either meditating or sleeping, not sure which, but I really need to do more of both). I'm the Founder, Creative Director, and Chief Artist of Plaid Design. OK, I'm the only artist at Plaid Design; I just like using the word "chief."
TL;DR version of bio: I'm John and I like to draw.
When not playing outside with neighborhood pals, melting in the Central Florida heat, I spent my childhood listening to music while gazing at and drawing art, meaning I did a lot of copying - er, learning from - the masters; some favorites were (and still are) Bill Watterson, Berkeley Breathed, Mort Drucker, M.C. Escher, Andy Warhol, Peter Max, Salvador Dalí, KRK Ryden, Mark Ryden, and Shag. Consequently, my own art evolved from cartoons to realistic portraits to surrealist psychedelic scenescapes (usually involving talking llamas, cowbells, and/or anthropomorphic fruit). As a teen, I eagerly pursued work, earning commissioned murals, posters, T-shirts, advertisements, and a weekly comic strip running in the local newspaper - all before graduating high school. I've since painted commissions for a myriad of global clients, including MLB legend Cecil Fielder and TV icon Bob Barker. Oh, and Bobcat Goldthwait owns my entire Shakes the Clown collection. Not bad for a Florida Man!
In the 2000s, I was focused on my true main squeeze, music. Based solely on the need for cover art, I worked for years teaching myself Adobe software while combining art fundamentals with an eye for good design, plus a metric butt-load (technical term) of trial and error, eventually becoming a self-taught graphic designer. Soon, everyone I knew who needed a logo, poster, or album cover hit me up for design work. And I took on all the jobs, then realizing how much I loved the artform. So in 2014, I opened my art and design studio, Plaid Design, officially migrating from the physical to the digital art space. Working digitally saves space in my studio and allows for endless customization potential ... but the real reason I do it is for that sweet "undo" function.
This led to the development of my art style, which I lovingly call Mod Pop Art. If you want a fancy word salad to describe my work, I'll throw it down below, but my one main goal with my artwork is simply to make you smile. And maybe chuckle. And feel good. That's it. I think smiles and laughs are pretty important, and especially valuable in today's utterly absurd world. But here's that wordy description you maybe asked for but probably didn't:
My mixed-media approach combines hand-painted digital artwork with graphic design techniques to create my vibrant, colorful clean-line style. Drawing inspiration primarily from pop culture, my graphic portrait and poster work breathes new life into classic and current references, putting a fun, original spin on pop surrealism, often with a twist of humor and absurdist parody. Also inspired by mosaic art, much of my recent work explores patterns, shapes, and color, specifically the beautiful dichotomy between the harmony of meticulously gradiented monochromatic hues and chaotic randomness. The result, I hope, is bold and striking eye-candy, with a vibe that feels vintage, yet unmistakably modern.
I reside in Austin, TX with my amazing wife and two kickass boys; I've been here for almost 30 years, long enough to be one of those mean Austinites telling everyone to stay away and stop moving here. Along with commissioned art and design work, I've been selling my original art pieces in signed/numbered limited edition fine art prints to clients all over the world for over a decade. Now that the boring bio is over, how's about buying something, eh? Rodeo Clown College doesn't pay for itself, you know!
(vintage Plaid logos, 2014 - 2017)
I came up with the name of my studio by ̶s̶h̶a̶m̶e̶l̶e̶s̶s̶l̶y̶ ̶s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ paying homage to one of my favorite Mel Brooks films, Spaceballs. Remember this scene? But the big question everyone has is this: Is Plaid Design a pop art or design studio? YES! It’s essentially a rare combination of both. Below are just a few of the things Plaid Design is all about:
The above are my primary specialties, but whatever your art or design needs are, I can take care of them for you .... hopefully. Look, if I can't (or just don't want to), I'll let you know that just ain't my bag (not in those words, I promise). I'll even let you know before you pay!
ART COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN! For something uber-customized that can't be found anywhere else on the planet (not even Walmart), Mod Pop Art-ize yourself or your gal/guy/kids/pals/pets in any scenario, or commission a piece based on your favorite film, TV show, musical artist, video game, athlete, animal, etc. Better yet, go FULLY PLAID with a combo platter, like "Mateo's World"!
Head on over to the contact page and let's discuss your commission!