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V.I.B. List

Join the V.I.B. (Very Iconic Badass) List

Even if you're only joining for the 15% OFF coupon, I still think you're cool ... maybe not as cool as Prince, Betty White, or David Bowie, but then, who is? We're talking Very Iconic Badasses here, after all.

Anywho, BONUS: now you get to be the very first to see (and buy!) all my newest Mod Pop Art! You'll also get access to exclusive specials and other awesome stuff basic simplefolk will never know about. And I'm pretty bad about sending emails, so I won't be flooding your inbox on a daily or even weekly basis, so the risk here is zero, while the benefits are endless. You know what to do — just scroll down, fill out the form below, and POOF! — just like that, you're a Very Iconic Badass! Congrats!!